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Thor by Walter Simonson Omnibus
Walter Simonson, Sal Buscema
Progress: 803/1192 pages
Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus by David Michelinie & Todd McFarlane
David Michelinie, Todd McFarlane
Progress: 229/856 pages
The Avengers Omnibus, Vol. 1
Jack Kirby, Stan Lee
Progress: 81/744 pages
John Carter of Mars, Volume One: Barsoom Novels 1-3
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Progress: 266/766 pages
The Last Light of the Sun
Guy Gavriel Kay
Progress: 9 %
Harlequin (The Grail Quest, #1)
Bernard Cornwell
Progress: 303/479 pages
The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian
Robert E. Howard
Progress: 219/463 pages
The Eye of the World
Robert Jordan
Progress: 47 %
A Dance with Dragons
George R.R. Martin, Roy Dotrice

The Whale Road

The Whale Road  - Robert Low I had a hard time getting into the book. I read a few pages and stopped. Came back some time later, read a few more and stopped again. This go 'round, I found it more enjoyable and managed to stick with it from page 30 on. I can't really explain why (not in the mood, slow start, not sure) I couldn't initially get into this book but now that it's over I'd certainly give it upwards of 4-4.5 stars. A great, well researched Viking saga (even if the Hun Horde and the Spear of Destiny was a little far fetched) that I will certainly continue with once I get some of my ridiculous stack read. Most certainly recommended.